JBVC @ Vancouver
With God’s grace and providence, JBVC started a support group in Vancouver in September 2018. Initially, we used Zoom to have teleconference meetings with our VIPs. Thank you CCM of Canada 加拿大中國信徒佈道會 for partnering with JBVC, we were able to hold our monthly support group meetings at their Vancouver center in Burnaby’s Crystal Mall on the second Saturday of each month.
Even though COVID-19 has kept us physically apart and moved our monthly group meeting back to Zoom, our VIPs are actually meeting with each other more — via Zoom. Beside the monthly support group meeting (on last Saturday of every month, 10am PST start), our VIPs (Vancouver, Toronto, and even US) are having
An online chat Monday to Friday (11am PST start);
Fellowship (Cantonese) on the 2nd Saturday (10am PST start);
Fellowship (Mandarin) on the 3rd Saturday (10am PST start);
Prayer meeting on every other Thursday evening (6pm PST start);
Worship on Sunday morning (10am PST start)
RSVP is required to attend our meetings. If you need more information about our Vancouver support group, or join our meetings, please contact John Leung (604) 446-6386 or john.leung@jbvc.vip.
Chinese Christian Mission of Canada
Crystal Mall, 2nd Floor
4533 Kingsborough Street,
Burnaby, British Columbia,
Canada V5H 4V3